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Publications by W. J. HALL
The Action of Tyramine on the Dog Isolated Atrium
British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy
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Effect of Adenosine on the Frequency-Force Relationship in the Isolated Dog Atrium.
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On the Mechanism of Tachyphylaxis to Tyramine in the Isolated Rat Heart
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Receptor Mechanisms Involved in the 5-Ht-Induced Inotropic Action in the Rat Isolated Atrium
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The Mode of Action of Reserpine on the Transmembrane Potential of Rabbit's Atrium in Vitro
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Diuretic Action of Isoproterenol in the Dog
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The Effects of Drugs Inhibiting Catecholamine Uptake on Tyramine and Noradrenaline-Induced Contractions of the Isolated Rat Vas Deferens
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The Action of Drugs on Isolated Mammalian Bronchial Muscle
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The Partition of Potassium Between the Isolated Lung of the Dog and Its Perfusate With Particular Reference to the Action of Adrenaline
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Action of Glucose and Insulin on Free Amino Acids of the Dehepatized Dog
American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content