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Publications by W. P. Leemans
Growth and Phase Velocity of Self-Modulated Beam-Driven Plasma Waves
Physical Review Letters
Plasma Wakefields Driven by an Incoherent Combination of Laser Pulses: A Path Towards High-Average Power Laser-Plasma Accelerators
Physics of Plasmas
Condensed Matter Physics
Plasma Wakefield Excitation by Incoherent Laser Pulses: A Path Towards High-Average Power Laser-Plasma Accelerators
Plasma Channel Diagnostic Based on Laser Centroid Oscillations
Strong Field Electrodynamics of a Thin Foil
Control of Quasi-Monoenergetic Electron Beams From Laser-Plasma Accelerators
The BErkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA): A 10 GeV Laser Plasma Accelerator
Efficient Modeling of Laser-Plasma Accelerators With INF&RNO
Tuning of Laser Pulse Shapes in Grating-Based Compressors for Optimal Electron Acceleration in Plasmas
Optics Letters
Molecular Physics,
Terahertz Radiation From Laser Accelerated Electron Bunches
Physics of Plasmas
Condensed Matter Physics