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Publications by W. Wimmer
The 2016 CEOS Infrared Radiometer Comparison: Part 2: Laboratory Comparison of Radiation Thermometers.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Ocean Engineering
Atmospheric Science
Dynamic Sound Field Audiometry: Static and Dynamic Spatial Hearing Tests in the Full Horizontal Plane
Related publications
Infrared Radiometer
Philosophy of Science
Accuracy of Infrared Forehead Skin Thermometry in Newborns - A Comparison With Digital Axillary and Rectal Mercury Thermometers
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometers
British Journal of General Practice
Family Practice
Aerosol Microphysical Retrievals From Precision Filter Radiometer Direct Solar Radiation Measurements and Comparison With AERONET
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Resolution of the Nimbus High Resolution Infrared Radiometer
Journal of Applied Meteorology
On the High Temperature Standards of the National Physical Laboratory: An Account of a Comparison of Platinum Thermometers and Thermo-Junctions With the Gas Thermometer.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Comparison of Imagery From a Scanning and a Pushbroom Microwave Radiometer
CIRiS: Compact Infrared Radiometer in Space
On the Calibration of the Radiometer for Longwave Radiation (I) - The Case of Net Radiometer
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Atmospheric Science