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Publications by Wei-wei Fei
A Rapid Method Based on Vehicle Video for Multiobjects Detection
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Design of Intelligent Parking Management System Based on License Plate Recognition
Journal of Multimedia
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Transactions of the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Mechanical Series
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A Hybrid Method of Vehicle Detection Based on Computer Vision for Intelligent Transportation System
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Computer Science
A Simplified Subjective Video Quality Assessment Method Based on Signal Detection Theory
Live Video Streaming Authentication for Vehicle Multimedia Based on Merkle Tree
Experimental Evaluation of Vehicle Detection Based on Background Modelling in Daytime and Night-Time Video
Research on Video Segmentation and Motion Detection Based on Lattice Pohl Seidman Method
Improvement on the Rapid Detection Method of Waste Oil Based on Electrical Conductivity
Applied Physics
Vehicle Detection Research Based on USILTP Operator
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science