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Publications by William Ferdinand Meyer
Elements and Ephemeris of Comet E 1910 (Cerulli-Faye) / [W.F. Meyer, Sophia H. Levy]
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Second Elements and Ephemeris of Comet B 1922 (Skjellerup)
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Second Elements and Ephemeris of Comet C 1908 (Morehouse) / [S. Einarsson, W.F. Meyer]
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Related publications
Elements and Ephemeris of Comet C 1905 (Giacobini)
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Elements and Ephemeris of Comet a 1906 (Brooks)
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Third Elements and Ephemeris of Comet a 1915 (Mellish)
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Preliminary Elements and Ephemeris of Brooks' Periodic Comet G 1925
Lick Observatory Bulletins
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 Dust Size and Velocity Distributions
Planetary Science
The Orbital Motion and Impact Circumstances of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
Elements of Comet 1905 III
Publications of the United States Naval Observatory