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Publications by Wojciech Jarosz
Theory, Analysis and Applications of 2D Global Illumination
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
Photon Beam Diffusion: A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Subsurface Scattering
Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Networks
Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
Modelowanie Transportu Masy I Ciepła Podczas Wypływu Strumieniowego Gazu Ze Zbiornika Zawierającego Fazę Skroploną
Scientific Letters of Rzeszow University of Technology - Mechanics
Work-Related Factors and Depressive Symptoms in Firefighters - Preliminary Data
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science
The Determination of Basic Fire-Fighters Rescue Operations of Key Practical Importance
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science
Second-Order Occlusion-Aware Volumetric Radiance Caching