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Publications by Xian-Hua Lin
Aquaporin7 Plays a Crucial Role in Tolerance to Hyperosmotic Stress and in the Survival of Oocytes During Cryopreservation
Scientific Reports
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The LIM-homeodomain Transcription Factor Lmx1b Plays a Crucial Role in Podocytes
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Nonspecific Phospholipase C NPC4 Promotes Responses to Abscisic Acid and Tolerance to Hyperosmotic Stress in Arabidopsis
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microRNA172 Plays a Crucial Role in Wheat Spike Morphogenesis and Grain Threshability
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The LIM-homeodomain Transcription Factor Lmx1b Plays a Crucial Role in Podocytes
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SATB1 Plays a Critical Role in Establishment of Immune Tolerance
Journal of Immunology