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Publications by Xinying Zhang
One-Pot Synthesis of Fused N,o-Heterocycles Through Rh(III)-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions of Aromatic/Vinylic N -Alkoxyamides With 4-Hydroxy-2-Alkynoates
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
Organic Chemistry
iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Analysis of Responsive Proteins Under PEG-Induced Drought Stress in Wheat Leaves
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Organic Chemistry
Molecular Biology
Theoretical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Computer Science Applications
Discharge Hemoglobin Association With Long-Term Outcomes of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
Cardiovascular Medicine
Figure 3 From: Ruan Y, Konstantinov AS, Shi G, Tao Y, Li Y, Johnson AJ, Luo X, Zhang X, Zhang M, Wu J, Li W, Ge S, Yang X (2020) the Jumping Mechanism of Flea Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini), Its Application to Bionics and Preliminary Design for a Robotic Jumping Leg. ZooKeys 915: 87-105.
Genetoxic of Diesel on Mitosis and Frequencies of Micronucleus of Root Tips Cells of Scirpus Triqueter
Contrasting Biogeographic Patterns of Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in the Top- And Subsoils of Temperate Grasslands
5-(Dimethoxymethyl)-2‘-Deoxyuridine: A Novel Gem Diether Nucleoside With Anti-Orthopoxvirus Activity
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Drug Discovery
Molecular Medicine
A Recursive QR Approach to Adaptive Equalization of Time-Varying MIMO Channels
Communications in Information and Systems