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Publications by Y. Amemiya
Low-Operation Voltage and High-Speed Silicon Ring Optical Modulator With P/N Junctions Along Waveguide
Self-Assembled Bifunctional Surface Mimics an Enzymatic and Templating Protein for the Synthesis of a Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Autoubiquitination of BCA2 RING E3 Ligase Regulates Its Own Stability and Affects Cell Migration
Molecular Cancer Research
Cancer Research
Molecular Biology
Annealing Method for Operating Quantum-Cellular-Automaton Systems
Journal of Applied Physics
Studies of Silica Aggregate Structure and Its Dynamics in Rubber Using Time-Resolved USAXS and XPCS
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography
An Analog Cmos Central Pattern Generator for Interlimb Coordination in Quadruped Locomotion
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Deformation Behavior of Drawn Polymer Spherulite Studied by Simultaneous Micro SAXS–WAXS and POM
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography