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Publications by Y.W. Tsang
Design, Modeling, and Current Interpretations of the H-19 and H-11 Tracer Tests at the WIPP Site
Numerical Studies of Fluid and Heat Flow Near High-Level Nuclear Waste Packages Emplaced in Partially Saturated Fractured Tuff
Related publications
Interpretations of Tracer Tests Performed in the Culebra Dolomite at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site
Information Theoretic Interpretations for H∞
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
H-Band Thermal Emission From the 19-H Period Planet WASP-19b
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Planetary Science
Design and Synthesis of the Derivative of Erythribyssin H
Hans Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
H 11 in the Treatment of Malignant Disease
Groundwater Chemistry at the Nevada Test Site: Data and Preliminary Interpretations
Charmless B± \Rightarrow H±h+h- Decays at LHCb
Sampled-Data H∞ and H2/H∞ Design of Multirate D/a Converter
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Sodium Alanates and the Na–Al–H System
International Journal of Materials Research
Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Chemistry
Materials Chemistry