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Publications by Yang-Wai Chow
A QR Code Watermarking Approach Based on the DWT-DCT Technique
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
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Image Watermarking Scheme Based on DWT-DCT and SSV
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A Novel Image Watermarking Scheme Using Hybrid DWT-DCT-ELM Technique
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A Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT DCT and SVD
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering
Implementation of Invisible Digital Watermarking Technique for Copyright Protection Using DWT-SVD and DCT
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
Robust Secure and Blind Watermarking Based on DWT DCT Partial Multi Map Chaotic Encryption
The International journal of Multimedia & Its Applications
Transform Domain Image Watermarking Using DCT, DWT and SVD
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Electronic Engineering
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A Robust Watermarking Algorithm of Encrypted Medical Volume Data Based on 3D DWT and 3D DCT
DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering
QR-SSO: Towards a QR-Code Based Single Sign-On System
International Journal for Digital Society
Performance Comparison of DCT and Walsh Transforms for Watermarking Using DWT-SVD
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
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