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Publications by Yasuhide TAKANO
Geological Features, Beach Profile, Charcteristics of Sediment, Chemical Elemnts and Sound Charcteristics in Singing Sandy Beaches
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)
Design Study of Body Structure Consist of Standardized Components as Module (Realizing and Evaluation of Body Frame Structure Made of CFRP)
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)
Measuremnt of Velocity, Diameter and Aspect Ratio of Falling Raindrops by Ultra-High-Speed Imaging
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering)
Simultaneously Coupled Analysis of Heat, Liquid Water and Water Vapor Movement in Dry-Unsaturated Soil Layer.
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu
Demonstration Test on Greening in the United Arab Emirates
Proceedings of the Symposium on Global Environment
Related publications
Effect of Prestrain on Brittle Fracture Initiation Charcteristics
Yosetsu Gakkai Shi/Journal of the Japan Welding Society
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering
A Study on the Charcteristics and the Transformation of So-Called>Plaza>In Edo City
Sandy Sediment Distribution on Coral Reefs and Beaches at Several Islands of the Ryukyu Island Arc
Geographical review of Japan, Series B.
Modelling Assessment of Sandy Beaches Erosion in Thailand
Environment and Natural Resources Journal
Environmental Science
Charcteristics of Surface Waves in Short-Period Microtremors and Their Relatoin to Shear-Wave Structures
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
Electrical and Humidity Sensitive Charcteristics of TiO2 and TiO2-SnO2 Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method.
Journal of Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan
Storm Erosion on a Sandy Beach
Succession of Microbial Populations and Nitrogen-Fixation Associated With the Biodegradation of Sediment-Oil-Agglomerates Buried in a Florida Sandy Beach
Scientific Reports
Vertical Gradients in the Fauna and Oxidation of Two Exposed Sandy Beaches
South African Journal of Zoology