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Publications by Yasushi OHIZUMI
Search for Constituents With Neurotrophic Factor-Potentiating Activity From the Medicinal Plants of Paraguay and Thailand
Yakugaku Zasshi
Pharmaceutical Science
Inhibition of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade by Baicalein, a Flavonoid of Natural Origin
Folia Pharmacologica Japonica
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Antioxidant Activity and Bioactive Phytochemical Contents of Traditional Medicinal Plants in Northeast Thailand
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research
Chemical Constituents of Two Malaysian Medicinal Plants: (Sterculiaceae) and (Euphorbiaceae)
The Open Conference Proceedings Journal
Cytotoxic Activity of Some Medicinal Plants From Iran
Studies on Ethno-Medicine
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Studies on Constituents of Medicinal Plants. XIX. Constituents of Schizandra Nigra Max. 3.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
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Studies on Constituents of Medicinal Plants. XV. The Constituents of the Bark and Wood of Wisteria Floribunda DC.
Yakugaku Zasshi
Pharmaceutical Science
Some Medicinal Plants With Antidiabetic Activity: A Review
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Ethno-Medicinal Survey of Plants Used in Fever and Biological Activity of Selected Medicinal Plants
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Efficacy of Different Solvent Extracts From Selected Medicinal Plants for the Potential of Antibacterial Activity
Pure and Applied Biology
Antibacterial Activity of Some Nigerian Medicinal Plants
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