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Publications by Yi LIU
Characterization and Alternative Splicing of the Complex I 19-kD Subunit inDunaliella Salina: Expression and Mutual Correlation of Splice Variants Under Diverse Stresses
Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Organic Chemistry
Applied Microbiology
Molecular Biology
Analytical Chemistry
Bibliometric Analysis of CSSCI Journal Papers Published by Faculties of Yunnan Normal University From 1998 to 2015
DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business and Management
Analysis on the Status Quo of School Motto Culture and Japanese Animation Culture in Chinese Universities—Taking Northwest a & F University as an Example
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
Analysis of Propagation Results of School Motto Culture and Japanese Anime Culture Communication in Chinese Universities—Taking Northwest a & F University as an Example
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
Numerical Simulation of Two Spheres With Different Density Settling in Fluids Through Lattice Boltzmann Method
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
On the Application of Flipped Classroom in Virtual Simulation Experiments Teaching
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
A New Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Based on Brain Storm Optimization for Feature Selection
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Electronic Engineering
Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence
Analysis and Simulation of the Factors Affecting the Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Potential of the Ship
DEStech Transactions on Materials Science and Engineering
A Way of Centralized Monitoring Center of HVDC Transmission System
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
Characteristics of Radiating Collapse at the Density Limit in the Large Helical Device
Plasma and Fusion Research
Condensed Matter Physics