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Publications by Yoshiaki MATSUMOTO
Absorption Enhancement of Polypeptide Drugs by Cyclodextrins. I. Enhanced Rectal Absorption of Insulin From Hollow-Type Suppositories Containing Insulin and Cyclodextrins in Rabbits.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Drug Discovery
Preparation and Evaluation of Oral Dosage Form Using Acylglycerols. II. Effect of Food Ingestion on Dissolution and Absorption of Aspirin From the Granules Prepared by Acylglycerols in Human Subjects.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Drug Discovery
The Effects of Carvedilol, a Vasodilating ^|^beta;-Adrenoceptor Blocker, on the Quality of Life in Hypertensive Patients
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology/Yakuzai ekigaku
Genetic Polymorphism of Human Tissue Phenol Sulfotransferases.
Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Evaluation of AUC0—4 Predictive Methods for Cyclosporine in Kidney Transplant Patients
Yakugaku Zasshi
Pharmaceutical Science
Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Theophylline : Relationship Between Serum Concentrations and Clinical Effects in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Yakugaku Zasshi
Pharmaceutical Science