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Publications by Yunsheng Xu
Rescuing Macrophage Normal Function in Spinal Cord Injury With Embryonic Stem Cell Conditioned Media
Molecular Brain
Molecular Neuroscience
Molecular Biology
Qi Dan Li Xin Pill Improves Chronic Heart Failure by Regulating mTOR/p70S6k-mediated Autophagy and Inhibiting Apoptosis
Scientific Reports
Mutations of Connexin 26 (GJB2) Gene in a Chinese Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness Syndrome Patient With Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Journal of Dermatology
MicroRNA-664 Suppresses the Growth of Cervical Cancer Cells via Targeting C-Kit
Drug Design, Development and Therapy
Drug Discovery
Pharmaceutical Science
Miniaturized Planar Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter With Notched Band
Journal of Computer and Communications
Degradation of Endogenous Proteins and Generation of a Null-Like Phenotype in Zebrafish Using Trim-Away Technology
Genome Biology