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Publications by Yves Lepage
An Approach to Case-Based Reasoning Based on Local Enrichment of the Case Base
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Improved BTG-based Preordering for SMT via Parallel Parameter Averaging: An Empirical Study
Journal of Natural Language Processing
An Early Origin and Diversification of Macrophagous Metriorhynchid Crocodylomorphs, With Evidence for Multiple Instances of Parallel Evolution
Bradykinin and Des-Arg9-Bradykinin Metabolic Pathways and Kinetics of Activation of Human Plasma
American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Cardiovascular Medicine
Occurrence of Gastroesophageal Reflux on Induction of Anaesthesia Does Not Correlate With the Volume of Gastric Contents
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
Pain Medicine
Introduction of a New Paraphrase Generation Tool Based on Monte-Carlo Sampling
Non-Directionality and Self-Assessment in an Example-Based System Using Genetic Algorithms