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Publications by Ze Tian
FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) as a Determinant for the Economic Growth of Nigeria (2009-2018)
Open Journal of Business and Management
FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) as Correlate of Rwanda Economic Development
Open Journal of Business and Management
Empirical Research on FDI Introduction Effects on Carbon Emissions the in Jiangsu Province on the Background of Demonstration Zone of South Jiangsu
Global Linear Neighborhoods for Efficient Label Propagation
An Analysis of Competitiveness and Complementarity Between China and Guinea Trade Under the qThe Belt and Roadq Initiative
Related publications
Direct Foreign Investments as Factor of Economic Growth: The General and Special
Economics and Environmental Management
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Nigerian Economic Growth
International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Risk Management
Role of Foreign Direct Investments on Somalia’s Economic Growth
IJARKE Business & Management Journal
Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, and Environmental Concern: Evidence From Nigeria
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Стране Директне Инвестиције Као Фактор Раста И Развоја Привреде // the Foreign Direct Investments as a Factor of Economic Growth and Development
Foreign Direct Investments and Regional Economic Performance in Bulgaria
Trakia Journal of Science
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: The Case of Zimbabwe (2009- 2012)
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
The Role of Foreign Direct Investments Into Development of Key Economic Areas.
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