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Publications by Zhibiao ZHAO
Sparse Bayesian Approach to Fast Learning Network for Multi-Classification
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science
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Multi-Frequency Sparse Bayesian Learning for Robust Matched Field Processing
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Discriminative Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis for Alzheimer's Disease: A Kernel Learning Approach Upon Sparse Gaussian Bayesian Network
Inference and Learning in Multi-Dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Sparse Bayesian Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Cognitive Outcomes From Neuroimaging Measures in Alzheimer's Disease
Learning Compact Class Codes for Fast Inference in Large Multi Class Classification
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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A Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm for Longitudinal Image Data
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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Contributions to Bayesian Network Classifiers and Interneuron Classification
Bayesian Network Learning for Natural Hazard Analyses
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Planetary Sciences
A Bayesian Approach to Sparse Model Selection in Statistical Shape Models
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Applied Mathematics