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An Account of Some of Dr. Elsholts Curious and Useful Experiments, Communicated in a Letter From Berlin to Mr. T. H.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Observationes Qu&dam De Calculo in Equo Quodam Reperto Habit&Regali Societati Exhibit &, Ab H. P. M. D. & R. S. S.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Ad Has Literas D. M. Merfennus Sequente 10. Decembris 1639. Ita Respondit Domino Autori.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Figures 1 to 3 for Issue 6
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
An Account of the Dissection of an Oestridge Sent to the Royal Society by Dr. Edward Brown, Fellow of the Said Society, and of the Colledge of Physicians.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Transmiser at Leydem Quoque Idem D. Theodorus Haak Eandem Domini Pellii Ideam Una Cum Schedis Quibusdam Comenianis Ad Dominum Elichman, M. D. Cujus Ope & Procuratione Domini Hogheland Nactus Est Subsequens Fingulare Domini Cartefii Responsorias, Sibi À Domino Elichmanno, Mense Febr. Ann. 1640. Huc (Londini) Transmissas.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Ad Exploranda Varia Eruditroum Judicia De Pelliana Illa Mathematices Non Ita Pridem Edita Idea, Dominus Theodorus Haak Regalis Societatis Socius, Eam Inter Alios P. Mersenno Transmiserat, Qui Literis Datis Primo Insequentis Novembris Ita Ad Illud Subjectum Respondit.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
Idea Mathesews Joannis Pellii S. Th. D. Perscripts Ad S. H.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
An Account of a Small Discourse About Comets, Published the High-Dutch at Neurenburge 1681, by a Lover of Astronomy.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London
An Account of Another Small Treatise, Written in the High-Dutch and Printed at Bazil, Anno 1681. Containing a New Theory About the Comets, Invented by James Bernoully, the Title Whereof Is Thus Expressed: A New Introduction, Shewing How the Motions of Comets May Be Reduced to Some Certain and Geometrical Rules, So That Their Appearance May Be Predicted.
Philosophical Collections of the Royal Society of London