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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Extract of a Letter of the Reverend Mr. William Rice, Rector of Caerleon Upon Usk, to Charles Williams Esq, Giving an Account of an Ancient Roman Inscription Lately Found There. With Some Conjectures Thereon, by the Reverend Dr. John Harris, S. T. P. And R. S. S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
A Letter of That Curious Naturalist Mr. Henry Barham, R. S. S. To the Publisher, Giving a Relation of a Fiery Meteor Seen by Him, in Jamaica, to Strike Into the Earth; With Remarks on the Weather, Earthquakes, &C. Of That Island
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Pars Reliqua Dissertationis De Potentia Cordis. Authore Jacobo Jurin, M. D. & R. Societatis Soc.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
A Discourse Occasion'd by an Inscription Found, About Three Years Ago, at Langchester in the Bishoprick of Durham, and Communicated to the Royal Society From Dr. Hunter by Dr. Woodward, as It Is Printed in the Philosophical Transactions, No 354. By Roger Gale, Esq; R. S. S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
An Account of the Phaenomena of a Very Extraordinary Aurora Borealis, Seen at London on November 10. 1719. Both Morning and Evening. By Dr. Edmond Halley. R.S. Secr.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Grundlicher Unterricht Vom Nutzen Und Gebrauch Einiger Bewährtesten Medicinen, Als Eines Lebens-Balsams, Lindernden Spiritus, Und Balsamischen Pillen.
Josephi Pitton Tournefort Institutiones Rei Herbariae.
Josephi Pitton Tournefort Institutiones Rei Herbariae.