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Extract of a Letter of Mons. La Condamine, F. R. S. To Dr. Maty, F. R. S. Translated From the French
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
An Extract of the Substance of Three Letters From Isaac Jamineau, Esq; His Majesty's Consul at Naples, to Sir Francis Hoskins Eyles Stiles, Bart. And F. R. S. Concerning the Late Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Accounts of the Irregularities of the Tides at Chatham, Sheerness, Woolwich and Deptford, in Feb. 1756. Communicated by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Anson, F. R. S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Two Letters Concerning Toxicodendron
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
A Letter to the Right Hononrable George Earl of Macclessied, President of the Royal Society, Concerning the Stones Mentioned in the Preceding Article. By Mr. Arthur Pond, F. R. S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
An Account of the Success of Agaric in Amputations, &C. In a Letter From Mr. William Thornhill Late Surgeon to the Infirmary at Bristol, to Robert Dingley, Esq; F. R. S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Le Calendrier Des Laboureurs Et Des Fermiers, Contenant Les Instructions Nécessaires Pour La Conduite & Pour Le Maniement d'Une Ferme Dans Tous Les Mois De L'année. Ouvrage Nécessaire Aux Personnes Qui Vivent À La Campagne, & À Celles Qui Y Font Traduit De l'Anglois Sur La 6. Ed. De M. R. Bradley.
Tentamen Herpetologiae / Autore Jacobo Theodoro Klein ; Cum Perpetuo Commentario ; Accessit J.A. Unzeri, Observatio De Taeniis ; Latine Reddita, Cum Dubiis Curca Eandem.
A Catalogue of the Genuine and Entire Collection of Valuable Gems, Bronzes, Marble and Other Busts and Antiquities, of the Late Doctor Mead : Which (By Order of the Executors) Will Be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Langford, at His House in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Tuesday the 11th of This Instant March 1755, and the Four Following Days
l'Histoire Naturelle Éclaircie Dans Une De Ses Parties Principales, l'Oryctologie : Qui Traite Des Terres, Des Pierres, Des Métaux, Des Minéraux, Et Autres Fossiles : Ouvrage Dans Lequel on Trouve Un Nouvelle Méthode Latine & Françoise De Les Diviser, & Une Notice Critique Des Princi