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A Treatise on the Law of Inheritance Taxation With Practice and Forms
University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register
Democracy in Education. A Social Interpretation of the History of Education. Joseph Kinmont Hart
The School Review
Index of Volume XXIV
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
On the Nature of Heat, as Directly Deducible From the Postulate of Carnot
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character
Geology of Cass County
Iowa Geological Survey Annual Report
Beitrag Zur Kenntnis Der Xenien Bei Oryza Sativa, L. (Vorl^|^auml;ufige Mitteilung)
Shokubutsugaku Zasshi
Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviation in Latin MSS. Of the Early Minuscule Period (C. 700-850)
The Classical Weekly
A Conspectus of Mexican, West Indian, Central and South American Species and Varieties of Salix
Botanical Gazette
Andrew Johnson and the Early Phases of the Homestead Bill
The Mississippi Valley Historical Review
Note on Isogenous Complex Functions of Curves
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society