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Provincial Medical and Surgical Association: Newton Branch: Place of Meeting
Facts Relative to Epidemic Cholera, Detailed From Personal Observation of the Disease, at Plymouth, in 1832
On the Treatment of Rheumatic Paralysis by Electro-Magnetism
Taxidermie, Oder, Die Lehre Thiere Aller Klassen : Am Einfachsten Und Zweckmässigsten Für Naturaliensammlungen Auszustopfen Und Aufzubewahren / Praktisch Bearbeitet Von J. Fr. Naumann.
Handbuch Der Preußischen Steuer- Und Zoll-Gesetzgebung Mit Besonderer Rücksicht Auf Den Gebrauch Bei Den Gerichten
Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, During the Years 1843-46; Employed Surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago; Accompanied by a Brief Vocabulary of the Principal Languages... With Notes on the Natural History of the Islands by Arthur Adams...
Essays on the Cultivation of the Tea Plant,
A Text Book on Agriculture. By N. S. Davis.
Descriptive Catalogue of a Choice Collection of Flower Seeds; Comprising, in All, Upwards of Five Hundred Species and Varieties, and Among Others, Some Splendid Assortments of German Asters, Balsams, Ten Week Stocks, Poppies, Rocket Larkspurs, Candytufts, Zinnias, Hollyhocks, &C. : Among the Seeds Are Many New, Rare and Splendid Varieties, Well Worthy the Attention of Florists and Mateur Cultivators /
Introduction to Zoology : For the Use of Schools / by Robert Patterson... ; With Upwards of 330 Illustrations and a Glossary of Scientific Terms.