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On the Non-Identity of the Parasites Met With in Favus, Tinea Tonsurans, and Pityriasis Versicolor Including, Proofs Derived From the Occurrence of These Diseases Amongst the Lower Animals, and Their Transmission From Them to Man /
The Birds of Middlesex. A Contribution to the Natural History of the County. By James Edmund Harting, F.Z.S.
1. Einleitende Bemerkungen
Western Union Telegraph Expedition, Papers From William H. Dall to Robert Kennicott
Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the Years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824, With Original Instructions for the Perfect Preservation of Birds, &C. For Cabinets of Natural History.
Flore Forestière De Belgique : Ou, Description Et Histoire Des Végétaux Ligneux Qui Croissent Spantanément [Sic] en Belgique Ou Qui Sont Cultivés Dans Les Forêts / Par Alfred Wesmael.
A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals. 2d Ser. By P. Martin Duncan ... Being a Supplement to the "Monograph of the British Fossil Corals" by MM. Milne-Edwards and Jules Haime.
Nomenclator Zoologicus : Eine Etymologische Erklärung Der Vorzüglichsten Gattungs- Und Art-Namen, Welche in Der Naturgeschichte Des Thierreichs Vorkommen / Von Dr. Johannes Leunis ; Ein Anhang Zu Den Schulbüchern Des Verfassers So Wie Zu Jedem Andern Handbuche Der Naturgeschichte Des Thierreichs.
The Modern Peach Pruner, Treating on the Long and Close Systems of Pruning the Peach,
A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag. Comprising Part I. By T. Rupert Jones, W. K. Parker, and H. B. Brady. Part II. By Professor T. Rupert Jones, Assisted by H. W. Burrows, C. D. Sherborn, F. W. Millett, R. Holland and F. Chapman. Part I