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Figure 1: Dendrograms of 10 Apple Genotypes Obtained With the Data From the 26 ISSR Primers (1A) and With the Nine ISSR Primers Selected as the Best for Genetic Studies in Malus (1B).
doi 10.7717/peerj.6265/fig-1
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Figure 3: Dendrogram of the 60 Apple Genotypes From the IAPAR Germplasm Collection Obtained With Data From Nine ISSR Primers.
Figure 4: Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) Based on Data Obtained From Nine ISSR Primers on 60 Apple Genotypes From the IAPAR Germplasm Collection.
Table 3: The Nine ISSR Primers Used to Estimate the Genetic Variability of 60 Apple Genotypes From the IAPAR Germplasm Collection.
Table 2: The 42 ISSR Primers Used, Along With Their Respective Sequences and Parameters in Malus Domestica Borkh.
Figure 5: Determination of the Optimal Number of K (Clusters-Genetic Groups) in Apple by the Bayesian Method, With Data From Nine ISSR Markers.
Table 4: Results Achieved in Studies With ISSR Markers in Malus.
Figure 2: Agarose Gel With the Amplification Pattern of Primer ISSR 807 in Some Apple Genotypes Evaluated in This Work.
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