Table 2: List of Few Marine Microbial Species Reported to Produce Bioactive Metabolites With Antibiofilm and Antifouling Activities (Abu Sayem Et Al., 2011; Arai, Niikawa & Kobayashi, 2013; Busetti Et Al., 2015; Dos Santos Et Al., 2010; Estrela & Abraham, 2016; Fusetani, 2011; Hong & Cho, 2013; Jiang Et Al., 2011; Salta Et Al., 2013; Satheesh, Ba-Akdah & Al-Sofyani, 2016; Scopel Et Al., 2014; Shao Et Al., 2015; Shao Et Al., 2011; Yang Et Al., 2007).
doi 10.7717/peerj.5049/table-2