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Figure 4: Phylogram Shows Bayesian Inference Analysis of P. Canaliculata and P. Maculata From Peninsular Malaysia and Pomacea Spp. From Other Regions Based on the Concatenated COI and 16S rDNA Markers.
doi 10.7717/peerj.8755/fig-4
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Table 3: Genetic Distance of Pomacea Specimens Using COI, 16S rDNA and COI + 16S rDNA Aligned Datasets.
Table S4: Genetic Divergence Analysis of the COI + 16S rDNA Dataset Based on Pairwise Alignment of All 40 Pomacea Specimens
Table 2: Composition of Characters in the COI, 16S rDNA and COI + 16S rDNA Aligned Datasets.
Figure 6: Identification Success of the COI and 16S rDNA Barcoding Markers Based on the ‘Best Match’, ‘Best Close Match’ and ‘All Species Barcode’ Approaches.
Figure 4: Bayesian Tree of Clessinia and Spixia Species Based on the Partial COI Gene.
Table 4: COI and 16S Primers.
Figure 3: Bayesian Tree of Clessinia and Spixia Species Based on a 992 Bp Multilocus Dataset (COI and 16s-rRNA).
Table 2: List of Larvae Analyzed for DNA Regions COI (Top) and 16S rDNA (Bottom) by Station.
Supplemental Information 4: P-Distance Matrix Based on 16S Data.