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Publications by Bulei Zuo
Analysis of “Five-Internal-Organ” Relationship in College English Writing From the Perspective of "Five-Element Model"
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
Wuxing Theory Reflecting in English as Foreign Language Teaching
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
Related publications
The Five Tier Model for Teaching English Academic Writing in EFL Contexts
Arab World English Journal
College English Classroom Teaching Model From the Perspective of MOOC
Reading for Writing—The Application of Genre Analysis in College English Writing in China
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
A Survey on College English Writing in China: A Cultural Perspective
English Language Teaching
Five Failing College Students.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Educational Psychology
Mental Health
The Relationship Between Adolescents' Time Perspective and the Five Dimensions of Identity Development
Shinrigaku Kenkyu
The Importance of E-Assessment in College English Writing
Sino-US English Teaching
Research of College English Independent Writing Teaching Model Based on Pigaiwang
DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering
The Relationship Among Five Factor Model of Personality, Spirituality, and Forgiveness
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity