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Publications by Frank B. Cross
Judicial Partisanship and Obedience to Legal Doctrine: Whistleblowing on the Federal Courts of Appeals
Yale Law Journal
Constitutions and Religious Freedom
Related publications
Ideological Voting on Federal Courts of Appeals: A Preliminary Investigation
Virginia Law Review
An Intent-Based Approach to the Acceptance of Benefits Doctrine in the Federal Courts
Michigan Law Review
The Doctrine of Judicial Review, Its Legal and Historical Basis and Other Essays
California Law Review
Earliest Cases of Judicial Review of State Legislation by Federal Courts
Yale Law Journal
Moving Toward Law: Refocusing the Federal Courts’ Plain Error Doctrine in Criminal Cases
SSRN Electronic Journal
Abstention by Federal Courts in Suits Challenging State Administrative Decisions: The Scope of the Burford Doctrine
University of Chicago Law Review
Writs of Error and Appeals From the New Territorial Courts
Yale Law Journal
Federal Corporate Law, Federalism, and the Federal Courts
Law and Contemporary Problems
Detention, the War on Terror, and the Federal Courts
SSRN Electronic Journal