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Publications by Gunther Maier
The Value of the Greenbelt in Vienna: A Spatial Hedonic Analysis
Annals of Regional Science
Social Sciences
Environmental Science
The Myth of the Development Team: The Relation Between Developer and Architect in Real Estate Development Projects
The Value of Energy Efficient Housing - Is There an Incentive to Make Houses More Energy Efficient?
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Widespread Range Expansions Shape Latitudinal Variation in Insect Thermal Limits
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Wage Rigidity, Collective Bargaining, and the Minimum Wage: Evidence From French Agreement Data
Review of Economics and Statistics
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Banana Disease Risk
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Off the Charts: Massive Unexplained Heterogeneity in a Global Study of Ambiguity Attitudes
Review of Economics and Statistics
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Recent Walker Circulation Strengthening and Pacific Cooling Amplified by Atlantic Warming
Nature Climate Change
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Increasing Drought Under Global Warming in Observations and Models
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Collapsing Arctic Coastlines
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Author Correction: Whither Methane in the IPCC Process?
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On Uncertainty
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Stochastic Integrated Assessment of Climate Tipping Points Indicates the Need for Strict Climate Policy
Nature Climate Change
Social Sciences
Environmental Science