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Publications by H.C. Allen
The Deuterium-Sulfide Band at 4,590 Cm-1
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards
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Photolysis of Acetaldehyde in the Presence of Deuterium Sulfide. Deuterium Atom Abstraction From Deuterium Sulfide Molecules by Methyl Radicals
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
The 3543 Cm-1 Infrared Absorption Band in Natural and Synthetic Amethyst and Its Value in Identification
Gems and Gemology
Figure 6: (A) Depth (Cm) vs. 40K Activity (Bq Cm−1) and (B) Depth (Cm) vs. 226Ra Activity (Bq Cm−1) in Average Soil Profiles From the Ambient (Open Circles) and Elevated-Co2 (Filled Circles) Plots at the Oak Ridge FACE Site.
Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) From 1830 Cm-1 to 2270 Cm-1
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Section A: Physics and Chemistry
First Analysis of the High Resolution FTIR Spectrum of the Ν2band of the FCO2radical at 970.2 Cm−1
Molecular Physics
Theoretical Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Molecular Biology
Solar Emission at 10-Cm Wavelength
Symposium - International Astronomical Union
Figure 1: Total Organic Carbon (G/Kg) Present in the (A) 0–30 Cm, (B) 0–10 Cm, (C) 10–20 Cm, (D) 20–30 Cm Soil Layer.
Sharp Exponential Band Tails in Highly Disordered Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot Arrays
Physical Review B
The Infrared Spectrum of Ethylene Oxide Clathrate Hydrate Between 360 and 20 Cm−1, at 100 °K
Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry