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Publications by Jean–Marc Dewaele
The Link Between Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Neuroticism Among Adult Bi- And Multilinguals
Modern Language Journal
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Anxiety and Enjoyment in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Dynamic Perspective
US-China Foreign Language
Use of Saudi EFL Adult Learners’ L1 to Address Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
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An Examination of the Link Between Neuroticism, Victim Sensitivity and Forgiveness Among University Students
Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology
The Relationship Between Anxiety Level and Foreign Language Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Revisiting the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS): The Anxiety of Female English Language Learners in Saudi Arabia
L2 Journal
Psychological Dimensions and Foreign Language Anxiety
Age and Proficiency in Foreign Language Anxiety
Caderno de Letras
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Lecturer’s Assertive Behavior With Foreign Language Anxiety
ENLIGHTEN (Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam)
Foreign Language Learning Anxiety: A Comparison Between High School and University Students
Journal of Human Sciences