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Publications by M. Beatriz P.P. Oliveira
How Does Electron Beam Irradiation Dose Affect the Chemical and Antioxidant Profiles of Wild Dried Amanita Mushrooms?
Food Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Food Science
Fortification of Yogurts With Different Antioxidant Preservatives: A Comparative Study Between Natural and Synthetic Additives
Food Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Food Science
Intra- And Interspecific Mineral Composition Variability of Commercial Instant Coffees and Coffee Substitutes: Contribution to Mineral Intake
Food Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Food Science
Effect of Gamma and Electron Beam Irradiation on the Physico-Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Mushrooms: A Review
Food Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Food Science
Postharvest Quality Changes in Fresh-Cut Watercress Stored Under Conventional and Inert Gas-Enriched Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Crop Science
Food Science
Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. As a Source of Nutrients, Bioactive Compounds and Colouring Agents
Food Research International
Food Science
Identification of Duck, Partridge, Pheasant, Quail, Chicken and Turkey Meats by Species-Specific PCR Assays to Assess the Authenticity of Traditional Game Meat Alheira Sausages
Food Control
Food Science
Nutritional Parameters of Infusions and Decoctions Obtained From Fragaria Vesca L. Roots and Vegetative Parts
LWT - Food Science and Technology
Food Science
Plant Phenolic Extracts as an Effective Strategy to Control Staphylococcus Aureus , the Dairy Industry Pathogen
Industrial Crops and Products
Crop Science
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Olive Oils and Other Vegetable Oils; Potential for Carcinogenesis