Amanote Research
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Publications by M. Yoshida
Primary Treatment of Open Hand Injury
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Area Spectroscopy of the Extended Emission Line Region in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3516
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
2.Recent Distributional Expansion of Poisonous Spiders in Japan(Proceedings of the 2nd Regular Meeting of Western Region)
Medical Entomology and Zoology
Treatment of Open Wound in Extremity
Orthopedics & Traumatology
1P150 Development of the Single Molecule Imaging System of the F_o Motor
Seibutsu Butsuri
21. A Clinical Evaluation of Placenta Lucchini Administration in Periodontal Diseases [I]
The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society
Modeling and Control for 2-D Grasping of an Object With Arbitrary Shape Under Rolling Contact
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Cubic Structure of Chromium-Bromine Boracite at 298 and 113 K
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science
Mass Examination for Gastric Diseases, Especially on the Method Employed in Ashiya City
Sangyo Igaku
11 Molecular Discrimination of Culex Pipiens Pallens and C.p. Form Molestus Collected in Japan(Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of Eastern Region)
Medical Entomology and Zoology