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Publications by Małgorzata Karwowska
Impact of Sodium Nitrite Reduction on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidant Properties of Cooked Meat Products
Clinical Biochemistry
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Influence of Freeze-Dried Acid Whey Addition on Biogenic Amines Formation in a Beef and Deer Dry Fermented Sausages Without Added Nitrite
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
Fatty Acid Profile, Color and Lipid Oxidation of Organic Fermented Sausage During Chilling Storage as Influenced by Acid Whey and Probiotic Strains Addition
Scientia Agricola
Animal Science
Crop Science
Effect of Noise Generated by the Wind Turbine on the Quality of Goose Muscles and Abdominal Fat
Annals of Animal Science
Animal Science
Food Animals
Small Animals
The Effect of Corn or Beet Pulp Silage Supplemented Diet on Production Parameters, Oxidative Stability of Muscles and Fatty Acid Composition of Abdominal Fat in Geese
Annals of Animal Science
Animal Science
Food Animals
Small Animals
The Effect of Varying Distances From the Wind Turbine on Meat Quality of Growing-Finishing Pigs
Annals of Animal Science
Animal Science
Food Animals
Small Animals
Effect of Different Tea Extracts on the Physicochemical and Sensory Parameters of Stirred Probiotic Yoghurts
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia Alimentaria
Food Science