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Publications by Ramdan Dede Budiawan
The Quasi Experimental Study of the Influence of Advertising Creativity and Exposure Intensity Toward Buying Action With Aida Approach
Independent Journal of Management & Production
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The Influence of Free Wi-Fi and Place Toward Buying Decision in Angkringan ( Food Stall ) in Madiun City
Using Quasi-Experimental Data to Develop Empirical Generalizations for Persuasive Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Introducing "The Creativity of Action? Into Institutionalist Theory
Management (France)
Experimental Study on the Interference Intensity Produced by the Presence of Neighboring Buildings in the Wind Action in a Tall Building
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais
The Antecedents of Word-Of-Mouth Attitude in Mobile Advertising: An Experimental Study
International Journal of Asian Social Science