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Publications by Tracy Buck
Development of a Community-Sensitive Strategy to Increase Availability of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Nashville’s Urban Food Deserts, 2010–2012
Preventing chronic disease
Health Policy
Public Health
Occupational Health
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Maximize Impact, Minimize Resources: Locating Food Deserts and Increasing SNAP Spending on Fruits and Vegetables
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Increasing Community Access to Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: A Case Study of the Farm Fresh Market Pilot Program in Cobb County, Georgia, 2014
Preventing chronic disease
Health Policy
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Occupational Health
Urban Farmers Markets as a Strategy to Increase Access to and Consumption of Fresh Vegetables Among SNAP and Non-Snap Participants: Results From an Evaluation
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
A Study of the Shipment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to the Far East /
Shifts in Rail and Truck Transportation of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables /
Bacterial Communities Associated With the Surfaces of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Enrichment of Bread With Fruits and Vegetables: Trends and Strategies to Increase Functionality
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Time-Temperature Tolerance for Keeping Quality of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
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Availability of Grocery Delivery to Food Deserts in States Participating in the Online Purchase Pilot
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