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Publications by V.R. Gregersen
Bovine Chromosomal Regions Affecting Rheological Traits in Acid-Induced Skim Milk Gels
Journal of Dairy Science
Animal Science
Food Science
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Microdissected Bovine X Chromosome Segment Delineates Homologous Chromosomal Regions in Sheep and Goat
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Mapping and Fine-Mapping of Genetic Factors Affecting Bovine Milk Composition
Skim Milk Powder Projections: Production and Trade
Nanodiamond Gels in Nonpolar Media: Colloidal and Rheological Properties
Journal of Rheology
Mechanics of Materials
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Ribonuclease in Bovine Milk
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UHT Skim Coconut Milk Production and Its Quality
SHS Web of Conferences
Ribonuclease in Bovine Milk
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