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Publications by Kadri Gökhan Yılmaz
Logo Değişimlerinin Marka Bağlılığına Etkisi: Türkiye Converse Ve Fanta Araştırması (The Effects of Logo Changes on Brand Loyalty: A Research Converse and Fanta Brands in Turkey)
Journal of Business Research - Turk
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Active White Space (AWS) in Logo Designs: Effects on Logo Evaluations and Brand Communication
Journal of Advertising
International Management
The Impacts of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty: A Research on Automobile Brands in Turkey
International Journal of Marketing Studies
Brand Logo Shape and Brand Personality
Mexico Country Brand: A Logo With Aesthetic
Performing Arts
Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
Visual Arts
A Field Research on Youth’s Brand Loyalty and Brand Sensitivity in Clothes: A Application in Turkey
European Journal of Business and Management Research
AB’NİN SERBEST TİCARET ANLAŞMALARININ ASİMETRİK ETKİSİ VE TÜRKİYE / Asymmetric Effects of the EU’s Free Trade Agreements and Turkey
Uluslararası Ekonomi, İşletme ve Politika Dergisi
Verhüten? Logo...
pädiatrie hautnah
Logo, Language and Semiotic
Ulakbilge Dergisi
Markaya Duyulan Güven Ile Marka Sadakati İlişkisinde Marka Aşkının Aracılık Rolü: Starbucks Markası Üzerine Bir Araştırma (The Mediating Role of Brand Love in the Relationship of Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty: A Research on Starbucks as a Brand)
Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies