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Publications by Arevik Vardanyan
Peculiarities of a Colloidal Polysaccharide of Newly Isolated Iron Oxidizing Bacteria in Armenia
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
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A Systematic Study of Alcohol and Carbohydrate Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated From Fruits, and a New Classification of the Oxidizing Bacteria
Journal of the agricultural chemical society of Japan
Characteristics of Newly Isolated Xanthobacter Strains and Fatty Acid Compositions and Quinone Systems in Yellow-Pigmented Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Heme A-Containing Oxidases Evolved in the Ancestors of Iron Oxidizing Bacteria
On Systematic Study of Alcohol and Carbohydrate Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated From Fruits, and a New Classification of the Oxidizing Bacteria
Journal of the agricultural chemical society of Japan
On Systematic Study of Alcohol and Carbohydrate Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated From Fruits, and a New Classification of the Oxidizing Bacteria (Continued)
Journal of the agricultural chemical society of Japan
Morphological, Physiological, and Chemotaxonomical Characteristics of Iron- And Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated From Acid Mine Drainage Waters.
Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology
AFM Observation of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria on Surfaces of Corroded Metals
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Construction of a Consortium Comprising Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Denitrifying Bacteria Isolated From Marine Sediment
Biocontrol Science
Applied Microbiology
Public Health
Occupational Health
Erratum to : On Systematic Study of Alcohol and Carbohydrate Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated From Fruits, and a New Classification of the Oxidizing Bacteria (Continued)
Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi